United States
Fallonator®-JMH cone11 Kilns
The Fallonator® kiln is essentially a typical electric kiln with some "BEEFED UP" features. Heavy gauge elements, higher temperature - lower porosity brick
SSR\'s high power control panel, ( rather than 20 amp mechanical relays, etc.)
It is "revolutionary " a Reduction Atmosphere Generation System which delivers carbon monoxide derived from a one pound gas bottle to the kiln. ( more than four hours per bottle)
It controls the amount of reduction with an oxygen sensor based feedback loop wired directly into, and controlled by, the kilns temperature programmer / controller.
It was developed by years of field testing in the hands professional and amateur potters
Hand made in the USA . “You know it will work for You”
Dollar for dollar value, the Fallonator-JMH kiln
just makes $$ sense for the potter.
The Fallonator-JMH Compare to a automatic 8 cubic foot gas kiln
1. Stacking space 7cubic
2. Same kiln furniture as your existing kiln, no
new furniture to buy.
3. Bisque in an oxidizing atmosphere.
4. Bisque in a reduction atmosphere.
5. Glaze fire in an oxidizing atmosphere.
6. Glaze fire in a reduction atmosphere.
7. Wireless recording of temperature and O2 levels
8 Easy to use, uses the same Bartlett controller
as most electric kilns do.
9. Completely automatic one button start, 6 user
programs for duplicating firing results.
6 pre-program firing schedules the same ones
on any computer hobby kiln.
10. Nothing else to buy, this is a 100% complete
system, just plug it in.
Dr. Arnie Benton was an amateur potter when his Fallonator®-JMH7 HL arrived in 2009. He is a Crystalline Artist, so you know he is supper tough on his Kiln. After two years of reduction firing, and all those cone 10 and above crystalline firings, and still with the same elements it came with.
Not everyone will have the same results as Dr. Arnie firing their JMH kiln. However Dr. Arnie submitted 3 pieces to be juried for the 2011 NCECA conference in Tampa Florida, and all three where accepted.
1. Stacking space 8 cubic
2. $400 in new Furniture
3. Wasteful to fire in oxidation
4. Wasteful to fire in reduction
5. Wasteful to fire in oxidation
6. Wasteful to fire in reduction
only neutral firing is efficient
7. No recoding other than your
notebook notes
8. Pages of reading, primary air
secondary air, gas pressure, flew
opening, just some of the
adjustments that are necessary.
9. Baby sitting from 10 to 16
hours, repeatability is up to
you and your note taking
10.Fuel tank, Fuel piping,
exhaust hood, exhaust
ductwork, engineering
consulting are just a few
items that needs to be done
before the gas kiln ships.
Copyright 2011 §Fallonator® All rights reserved.
United States